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Feb 9, 2021
Alora's VBA2C Homebirth at 42w1d | Stroudsburg, Poconos, Lehigh Valley Birth Photographer
This mama patiently waited 42 weeks and 1 day for her sweet baby boy to arrive. After two traumatic c sections, she had her heart set on...

Aug 19, 2020
Amanda's Home Birth | Stroudsburg, Poconos & Lehigh Valley Birth Photographer
Birth is primal and raw and terrifying and beautiful and I think these photos capture that. I couldn't be more honored to have been...

Mar 4, 2020
Autumn's Homebirth | Poconos / Stroudsburg / Lehigh Valley, PA Birth Photographer
Autumn was a complete rockstar for her homebirth, and she had the most amazing birth team, including her precious little girl. It was...

Sep 17, 2019
Katelyn's Birth Story | Poconos + Lehigh Valley, PA Birth Photographer
I arrived at the hospital during the early hours of the morning while Katelyn was getting her epidural. I figured since she was getting...

Sep 17, 2019
Neithsuly's Homebirth | Poconos + Lehigh Valley, PA Birth Photographer
Last week I had the honor of photographing Neithsuly's wonderful homebirth. She handled the birth with such silent grace & power with the...

Feb 21, 2019
A Beautiful Homebirth | NEPA Poconos & Lehigh Valley Birth Photographer
"Birth is normal. I trust my body." This was one of the many birth affirmations that hung from a banner next to the birth tub as this...

Feb 12, 2019
Homebirth of Baby Odon | NEPA Pocono & Lehigh Valley Birth Photographer
When I tell people I am a birth photographer, about 95% of the time, I am met with a look of either sheer horror or pure confusion -...

Jan 7, 2019
Coraline's First Hours Earth-Side | Freshly Born | Poconos / Lehigh Valley Birth Photography
For my last session of 2018, I documented sweet baby Coraline's first couple hours earth-side, and she is nothing short of magical. She...

Aug 16, 2018
A's Homebirth Story | NEPA Poconos Stroudsburg & Lehigh Valley Photographer
One moment I was sitting at my desk editing photos, the next I got an unexpected call, and two hours later I was sobbing through my lens...

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